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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Take a guess, win a blog post dedication !

Romaine Lettuce Seed - Which One? A or B ?
The first comment with the correct answer will win my next blog post dedication.



The flower - Romaine Lettuce

Aren't they lovely ?
But anywhere you touch the stalk, you'll be greeted with sticky milk that smells "GREEN" !

Friday, June 18, 2010

Red Amaranth - Full month ( 满月, man yue) !

Gosh, it's already a month !
Look how cute they are.

It's a very diversified world, it's delicate and it's confirmed that it's under threat...
Have you taken the time to appreciate / protect it or take note how lives grow around you, 
especially those lovely, good for health veggies that you eat ?

kl vegetable garden

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Romaine Lettuce - Up up and away !

Shuttle Discovery, this is base, you are clear for take off to the moon !
haha.... well, not exactly the case here but shooting for the sky is...
kl vegetable garden

If only global warming / climate change / pollution didn't happen at all ....

How we all wish Klang Valley's sky is as pure as this morning everyday !
That's Genting you are looking at on top of the mountain range 

Another shot for your enjoyment !
kl vegetable garden
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